Friday, 21 August 2009

Wonderful daughters..

Yep. My daughters are great!

Martina - the serious one - loves her baking, and would like to be a Baker when she leaves school, but doesn't want to do cookery. lol. She's quite serious, and stroppy (teenager!!) but is quite funny with some of the little quotes that she comes out with from time to time! Hilarious.

Here she is being potty over near the local remains of the power station.


I was taking photos of the sunset, which I shared the other day, when Martina asked if she could have her photo taken whilst she was jumping up and down.. ! Of course I obliged and added in a little flash so that she got a little bit of blur... this is the result.. Love the feet! It's hard to get a good photo of Martina without her sulking - she had her photo taken soooo often when I was doing my photography ND that she doesn't much like the camera now.. just like her sis!

Carley is the older sister. Mature, elegant, peculiar sense of humour.. lol. Here she is being elegant - she was off out with her boyfriend the other day, and kindly offered to pose for some photos.. so I duly obliged!


I didn't do alot with this picture, just altered the saturation a little.


I fiddled with this one to make the photo take on a 70's sorta feel.. love the look.

And why exactly do I think they're wonderful? Well.. me and hubby are away this weekend for four days next week and Carley and Martina are looking after the woofers, and each other. Mmmm.. will wait and see if this works out! Leyton is at work so out of argument zone hehe. And Carley is being mummy by sharing the cooking with Martina. Carley is really a good cook, so no worries there.

Hope you like them. xx

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous girles you have there Jo, no wonder you're a proud momma! xx


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