Saturday, 22 August 2009

Truly Scrumptious...

Oh this girl is sooooo lovely.. She's like a cross between the hyperactive teenager and a cuddly-wotsit.. adorable. Yes. I'm talking about little Truly. Our very own little Ginger - Minger!


It's difficult to get photos of her generally, as she's like a whirlwind and runs around at 100mph everywhere, never standing still for more than a second! I was lucky to get this one though, as we had been playing at the top end of the garden which the little furballs are not generally allowed on (c'mon.. I need some grass!) BUT we do go up there most days to have a play. I love the above piccie.. it's SO Truly. Snooty-britches to a tee!


This is a unique moment, where she was actually sat quiet in the shade, enjoying the warmer weather.

And just so the other two hooligans don't feel outdone by this post, here they are.. for once - sat together. Aren't they just sweet? love em!



  1. These are just gorgeous pics Jo!

    Teri xx

  2. Love the difficult to photograph dogs, and you really captured some personality here! Great job!

  3. oh arent they beautiful photos :) i cant get a good photo of wicket either cause he's all hair and dont stop! lol xx


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