Monday, 17 August 2009

Bloggy makeover

I have had a busy morning.. lol.. I decided it was time for a new look to my little bloglet, so here it is.. new header, new layout.. All the usual links are at the top and the archives and followers etc are now all at the bottom..

What do you think??


  1. Love the new look Jo!!!!
    Your cards & photos are absolutely lovely as're so inspiring! Maybe i'll try makin a card or 2 soon too. So proud of you making a lovely career out of something you love doing! I read your blog just to keep caught up with you n the furballs!
    How are u my Sister across the pond???? I miss chatting to you so much!!!..i never see u on facebook and i havent' been getting along with msn lately cuz of those porn links (grrr)
    Its been very eventful over here as i'm been so stressed out lately and heartbroken but we sold our dome home in Trent river. Gary wants to retire soon and it will be nice to be mortgage free and hopefully stay debt free at last but its still sad non the less.
    Scott and Amber are both starting university in the fall, well next month really so that is another of many factors in selling i suppose. Oh why do babies have to grow up so fast???? sigh....
    Hope to chat soon..when is the best time to ring you Luv? Looking forward to a good natter n catch up! Hugz to all oxoxo
    Love , Lesley


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