Monday, 3 August 2009

Twit-tering on...

When my Sister in Law was here this last week, we got very little crafting done, and the only thing that I did get chance to make was this card, which was needed for a friend's birthday.
The stamp was new for my sister in law, and the shape to make the frame was from the brilliant new board from Diamond Card Craft.

Here's a couple of close ups...
I used little adhesive gems for the eyes of the owl, and it was coloured using Whispers Brush Markers. The blue sky was 'splodged' on (those who come to my demo's, will know what I mean!) and the little bellies of the owls were glittered up a little.

The flowers were layered onto My Minds Eye magnolia papers and a little Craftwork Cards paper dot from the Toffee Treats collection, on the top.

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