Friday, 14 August 2009

Celebrations and fluffers.

I have had a right old week of it this week - what with trying to get my commission done for the mag (all done and ready for posting today) and with hospital appointments, life is certainly never dull! As well as this, I'm trying to get stuff from my computer so it can go in for repairs. Again.

A very relieved me got the all clear from the hospital yesterday after a worrying few weeks after finding a lump in my boob. It's the same boob that got battered by the air bag last year in the car accident on Arran. Anyway, I spent a not-so-lovely afternoon at the hospital having a mammogram and an ultrasound and the result was quite positive.

The lump is an oil cyst, which is a result of the accident, as the impact has killed off quite a bit of my breast tissue, necrosis or something. Anyway, the oils from the tissue have to go somewhere and they formed cysts, so I have quite alot of them apparantly. Anyway, they aspirated it yesterday and said that it would be fine.. only to find when I got home, they hadn't done the lump that I went about.. the sore one.. ! So I am there again in four weeks. Oh joys!!

Even though I was quite sore I relished in the delight of taking my little fluffballs for their much loved walkies in the woods last night. My significant other, me and my son had a lovely long walk and the dogs were shattered.. lol. Here are some pictures of the evening.






  1. Oh Jo I had no idea that you were going through such worrying times, I'm so pleased that the results were positive

    Beautiful photos!!

  2. Jo, sending you lots of love, you must have been SOOOO worried!

    Those piccies of your walk... OMG they're stunning!!

    Big hugs to you (but on the non-sore boob side of course HAHA!)



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