Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Thank you's..

I have a couple of ladies I'd like to say Thank you to. As you may/maynot know.. this past few weeks have been a bit hellish, but things are now settling down back into routine.

So, you can understand why firstly, I'm a little late saying a massive thankyou to Jackie, who posted this card onto me last week or so. I've just not managed to photograph it as yet, so thought I'd pop over onto her blog to pinch it to show you. Isn't it nice? I love the colours.

And this next card came from another Jacqui.. my new challenge buddy over on the LOTV blog..

This is so sweet - I love it! Cutesy cards are irresistable! ...I'm looking forward to working with you too Jac..


  1. Hi Jo, Thanks for the comment on my card, just thought i would let you know it was you that inspired me after watching you at one of your demo's.
    A big thank you:)


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