Sunday, 7 September 2008

Thank you for a fantastic weekend!

I thought I would just put a little post on here for everyone who took the link to my blog over this weekend. I have promised to upload lots of cards, tips, techniques... so I will try to get them all photographed and uploaded by Wednesday as promised.

As you probably know, I've been to the Newark Show this whole weekend - Friday to Sunday - and have had a FANTASTIC time! My voice is now hoarse, my feet are killing me.. but I can tell you it was worth it - apart from the heat! Yes folks... chucking it down with rain outside, boiling inside!! British Weather eh?? Baah humbug!

I have also chatted with lots of people I haven't had time to catch up with for a while. I met Kirsty Wiseman. We had a bit of a natter, and a cuddle, and believe me is one of the nicest people you could meet! She has been so busy all weekend, bless her, and had found the most scrumptious ribbon ever! I didn't get chance to buy any.. but hopefully she'll send me the link to the seller! lol.

I also met Jo Channon, who I haven't met for what seems like ages, my lovely Phyllis and George from Diamond Card Craft. Alison and family from Ali Craft, Amanda Bateman - who is just so lovely, Debbi Moore.. and more! It was so lovely to catch up and see everyone enjoying themselves. I also met the ladies from Creative Memories.. They are just so passionate about their products I may just find myself at their open day soon!!

Well.. that's enough waffling for now.. I'm going to find me my foot spa.. and relax for the evening!

Toodles for now!!


  1. Hi Jo sounds like you had a fabby time working with some fab people - will look forward to seeing some more of your samples. Enjoy that foot soak

    Dawn xx

  2. Hi, Jo!! :o)

    Thanks for the recent visit, and I'm thrilled that you removed your Word Verification for me! Thank you so much! All your other visitors will thank you, too! :o)

    I don't think you left a message on the blog candy post. Do you want an entry? The post is HERE

    Runs until the 15th.

    Hugs to you..

    Chris xx


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