Monday, 23 November 2009

Christmas Extravaganza..

Hi everyone.. how are you all doing? At least the wind has died down a little now, but by 'eck.. it's still cold!

I'm getting up shortly as I'm at the hospital at 8.30 at physio.. so dead exciting that is!

I thought I'd post a little reminder though, about the Christmas Extravaganza.. Here are the specials - which one would you like?

There are some lovely items on there.. And don't forget The Gift-Giving Guide has ideas for kids, teens, neighbours, scrapbookers, and more! Plus, from 1 November-29 December 2009, receive a FREE Tag or Small Tag punch (a £12.50 value!) when you spend £45 on products from this guide. It's well worth it - and remember, you can use it as part of the Wish List (over here ->->->)

And guess what else?? It's almost that time again Folks... Yep.. it's nearly the Stampin Up Sale-a-bration time again!!
Only another few more days to wait and I can reveal more..


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