Monday, 11 July 2011

A bit of a challenge...

This whole week has been a bit of a challenge... lol.. finding time to update my blog, do samples for my demo this past weekend over at Lambton Park and get my house nice and clean! I'm afraid the housework had been a bit neglected for a few days - mainly because I had other things to do.. and as you know, crafting always must take priority!

Anyway, my demo over in Durham went fantastic - what a lovely bunch of folks we have there. Always so friendly and interested, and we share our thoughts and ideas too, which is fab! My next demo is in Doncaster next week, no demo this Saturday.. but no rest for the wicked eh?!

But to get my old blog updated for you, I thought I'd share a project with you that I've made for the Simply Less is More Challenge blog. I love their themes on that blog and I always like to play along.

The theme this week was a One Layer card (which again, I love!) and also to include something with legs.. so here's my take on the idea.


I decided to use the not-so-often inked up reindeer stamps from the Joyeux Noel range that Docrafts bought out last year. They are really lovely stamps and as you can see, the images are so detailed.


To finish off my little reindeer, as it was on the one layer, I used some 3D gloss over the top and added a little pearl that I coloured in red, to his nose.

Hope you like it!


  1. Super card, I'm a sucker for reindeers!
    Pretty background effect

    Thank you so much
    Diva LIM
    "Less is More"

  2. Love the red noses, but I thought there was only one Rudolph!
    Great card Jo!
    Thanks so much
    Lady LIM
    "Less is More"

  3. Great background effect and the stamping is so lovely.


  4. this is so effective, lovely work

    sarah x

  5. Great card, love the background
    Beryl x

  6. Super card - love that image



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