Tuesday, 17 February 2009

I feel quite honoured..

I got another award this morning.. you know, I reckon I shall put them on my sidebar at some point.. but thank you to everyone who has nominated me for one over this past year..

I sometimes have those times - I reckon like everyone does - when I think my work is pants! So to receive awards is a great honour.

This one has come from Abi who said 2. Jo I love her fun designs and her colouring

I mean.. me? Wow! Thank you so much Abi.. here's the award.

Now I have to pass it on to seven more people who inspire me ... so here goes:

1. Jacqui - A lovely lady who does the most fantastic cards and colouring!

2. Erica - a very talented young lady - Creator of many rubber stamps!!

3. Chris - lovely - nothing else I can say!

4. Lythan - A brilliant inspiring scrapbooker!

5. Sheila - the one lady who always inspires me to try something new.

6. Kathy - this lady never ceases to amaze me with her fantastic talent.

7. Ila - a great lady, loads of talent and the reason I bought my set of Prismas!

Enjoy the award ladies... don't forget to pass on the love!


  1. Hi Jo and WOW, thanks so much for passing this lovely award to me, it means a great deal coming from you as I admire your work very much! Glad you got it first of course, very well deserved. Chris x

  2. Thanks for this dear I wil collect it later such nice words Jo they really are appreciated
    Hugs Jacqui x

  3. Thank you so much Jo...for thinking of me and your kind words..Congrats on a well deserved Award!!...Hugs, Ila


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