Monday, 2 February 2009

Great start to the week ....

Guess what... ?! It's snowing! And pretty thick stuff too. The pupsters are loving it. Scooby loves chasing the snowballs, and can't understand why he can't find them.. lol.. Holly just runs around with her mouth open snapping up all the little white things falling from the sky, and Truly... well.. it's been absolutely wonderful for her this morning. Let me explain..

When we got Truly last May, she had come from Ireland straight to us to foster for a Springer Rescue. (she is now permanent, but that's a different story. ) Anyway, in the time we have had her she has come on so much. She now loves to go for a walk, loves food, and is an all round star. The only thing that is a reminder of her past, is that she will only pee and poo on concrete at home. That's usually down the side of the house, which makes it easy to clean so that's fine!

Today, she has revelled in the fact that there is white all over the place and has been for her first walk up the garden. She got so excited that she found Holly and Scooby playing that she joined in, and came in covered in snow! She absolutely loved it. And me? Well, I felt very proud of her! What a proud mummy I am sometimes..
To remind me of this fantastic achievement for her - and us - I've snapped a couple of shots of the pupsters this morning.

(yep.. photos can now come thick and fast - my lappy still isn't back, but I upgraded the desktop at the weekend so I can now upload piccs and stuff on there! Why didn't I think of it earlier!)

This is Truly sniffing at all this funny stuff.

And this is Holly, sitting lovely for her piccie

And here's Scooby.. Mr Poser.. he loves having his piccie taken sometimes..

Don't they look great? Ahhh, I love my spaniels.. can you tell?
I did mention the other day, that I also have two puddytats..
Well, here's Senna.. I even managed to get the photos and videos etc off my phone this morning - actually, I'm loving the desktop because it has the card reader built into the front - easy peasy!
Oops.. just realised, it's on it's side.. I'll change it later. Senna is now 11 years old, and we lost his brother last year. He is coping really well, and loves all the extra attention. Sweet.
Another little photo I want to share with you, is this one that was hiding on my phone card. It's a piccie of Holly, which we took when she was around 8 weeks old. When we bought her home at 6wks old, the first place she wanted to go and explore was the veg rack. We don't know why, but she loved being under there. We put her a little cushion on the bottom rack and when we were doing dinner in the kitchen, she would go and sit in there and fall fast asleep.. Oh Memories.. aren't they great?

Another great thing I discovered this morning was that Youtube now accepts MP4.. so I just had to have a play and upload a quick video of Holly and her sister Arwen. Arwen is the one with two spots, Holly just has the one. Hope that helps.

*** I can't upload the videos.. but if you go to and go to joaustin22, then you should be able to pick them up there. *** I'll try again later.

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