Sunday, 18 May 2008

Oh what a day..

I'm having a bit of a funny sorta day today.. bit sad.. bit happy..

Firstly, I had a couple of emails in my inbox this morning, regarding my blog I'd set up to collect cards for the troops.. the idea came from a lady I was in contact with in America, but apparantly the write up I had wasn't totally right.. anyway, I decided to delete the blog and contact a charity here in the UK that distributes packages to our troops.. so watch this space..

Now sadly, today is the anniversary of the date we lost our beloved Asti..(below)

We lost her a year ago today, she had cancer. What an absolute stunner of a dog she was, her whole personality, her love and loyalty has always stayed with me since we lost her. Maybe it was Asti who came bombarding through my shed the other day causing all my stamps to fall on my head?? I guess I'll never know, but in case it was, I did tell her I still loved her!

And happy? Well, my new additions to the household. When we lost Asti I said I really didn't want another dog... only to end up with two little hooligans in the shape of our Springer Spaniels, Holly and Scooby. Holly was six weeks old when we got her, and Scooby came from NESSR at 18 months.. We are also currently fostering for the lovely Jackie, and have a little golden cocker, Truly, who you will have seen in the photos before.

There isn't a day goes by where I don't think of Asti, and wish she was still here.. but I know she is at Rainbow bridge with all her new friends.. love always Asti. xx


  1. Aww, Jo.. my face is all wet!!! Asti was/is a beauty! German shepherds and black labs are my favourite dogs, although I've been brought up with border collies, and we still have three in the family. By co-incidence, one of my mother's dogs was also called Asti. She also met an untimely end. Anyway, I hope you're more happy than sad.

    Heather xx

  2. Hey there Jo,
    Asti will always have a special place in your heart.
    I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.
    Sending you a huge hug!

    Luv ya

    Nikki x

  3. Hi Jo
    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog candy - can I just say I know exactly how you are feeling - we lost our beloved Retreiver Ben two years ago and there isn't a day that goes by I don't think about him. I now have another Goldie Buddy who is an absolute hooligan so different from Ben who was the most laid back dog in the world but I suppose they are like children - you never get two the same. Asti was a gorgeous dog and you must miss him terribly. Have to go now - tears are dripping on my keyboard - not good. Big hug.

  4. What a wonderful looking GSD, beautiful dog. Loosing a dog, well what can I say, only people who have been there really understand.


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