Monday, 19 May 2008

Feedback is good.. or is it?

What a wierd sorta morning..

I had a quick squiffy at the docrafts website over the weekend and came across this. It is such a shame when people coming to our demonstrations feel let down. I also feel it is a bit of a shame when people are being a little more specific about the details of the demo's.

All us designers at Docrafts have quite a hard job to do and everyone works in a different way. I personally like to try to involve the customer as much as I can in my demonstrations, and I have found this to work quite well.. hence my feedback here from a recent demo.

We work very hard at our demonstrations, and one of the hardest -and sometimes most nervous -things to do in the world is to sit in front of a crowd of people, talking and creating, and trying not to make a mistake! I hold my hands up to doing things wrong, and things not working too well on the day, but I just laugh it off because I know I'm not perfect.. I am a crafter and things don't always go to plan..

So.. that's me all said and done..

Back later with some new creations.. hopefully! lol

1 comment:

  1. I agree.
    I always try to be positive and friendly and I hope that comes across.
    At times our job can be a very hard one.
    Nikki x


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