Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Totally different!

I was asked a few days ago to make a wedding card. The lady who asked me is going to their wedding up in a castle in Scotland on Friday. The colour scheme was a golden-tan colour and cream, so this is what I came up with.. it also gave me chance to have a play with my sakura glitter pens I got from Jo Sheen aaaaages ago, and not really used, and also some new stamps I have acquired recently. I know you can't see it too well on the card, but the design was stamped onto the card itself, and the writing and verse were printed onto acetate and attached using a gold organza ribbon.


  1. what a pretty card! It's lovely

  2. Lovely card. I didn't know you could get Sakura glitter pens...(and here's me trying to be on a stash diet!)


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