Friday, 1 June 2007

Oh what a lovely morning!

I was up bright and early this morning, 5.30 actually, and what a glorious start to the day!
So.. I donned my camera and off I went to take some misty photos, and these are the result.. This one was taken alongside the canal.

I just missed taking a photo of a heron that was flying above my head.. story of my life really.. wonder it didn't poop on me too!

This was taken at the local park. Because it was so early, I didn't go too far away from my car, as I had no dog to take for walkies...

Awww I like this photo.. not the sheeps bum however, wish it would have faced the other way !!!! But the little lamby was feeding and it's little tail was going ten to the dozen.. ahhh

This photo I really like. It is just a quick shot of the wood's where we used to walk Asti. It is a lovely walk around there, and we haven't been up for a couple of weeks now.. we must really go and have a look round again to see what's growing.

Well that's it for today me thinks.. see ya's. x


  1. Hello, just passing through...but these are some lovely pics, I just had to tell you. And the cards...i can only aspire to such tallent and creativity...

  2. Beautiful landscape photos! Thank you for popping by and participating on my blog!


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