Friday, 15 June 2007

Everything's coming good!

Oh boy what a few good days I've had!
I was approached a few months back about teaching parchment craft and other stuff at a complex where the more mature (?!) amongst us live, that is due to be opening in September in Sheffield. I said I was interested and the lady who rang said she would get back in touch later. Well., that was quite a while ago now and I began to think it was just a wind-up... only for her to contact me again last week or so to ask if I'd definately be interested - of course I said yes - and what pay scale I would be on. It's very good pay and she said that people can work what they can work, some can only manage one hour, some more hours.. So, I've got her company's name and phone number and she will be in touch ready for September.

Then... again, a few months ago, I decided that teaching craft was the way to go (well.. last year actually, but thought there was no future in it!!). I chose to be very very brave and phone our local FE centre to see if they were looking for tutors, which came back with the reply of 'well, if you'd like to drop me an idea off of what you'd like to do, and some samples, I'll get back to you'. I did that, and over the last weeks or so decided she had changed her mind, and wasn't running any courses, or had someone to do them....

At the beginning of the week, I got the shock of my life when the phone rang and she offered me the job!!! I was asked to go in at half seven yesterday to talk it over in more detail, (me the ever pessimist thought maybe.. oh here's the interview.. no thankyou) but decided to go anyway if not only to pick up my cards and scrapbooks.
She was very interested, and basically gave me the details of pay, classrooms, register marking etc, and asked if the samples could be kept for the time being.. Well, of course I said yes.. feel free. LOL.

So.. from going from hoping that I could get a career using my crafting, and despairing of the efforts I'd made, to becoming a commissioned designer for magazines (on what seems to be coming a regular thing), becoming a designer/demonstrator with the brilliant crafting company, Docrafts, to now teaching parchment craft, card making and papercrafts!

Oh boy am I loving my life at the minute!!!


  1. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge congratulations Jo - how exciting for you!

  2. Congratulations!!! well done, how exciting!!!


  3. OH WOW Congratulations Jo - what an exciting time!!

  4. Wow your parchment work is outstanding. And many congrats on all your new opportunities - I hope you have fun with it all!

    I'm married to a Torr from Brassington in Derbyshire, immediate family is pretty much in that area still, but going back a generation I have no idea I'm afraid and I don't think my FIL has - his own father died when FIL was a very small boy. But yes it is not a common name.

  5. Wow!!!! Congratulations, Jo - and richly deserved - you go, girl, go!!!

  6. mum-on-the-run15 June 2007 at 16:15

    Brilliant news, well done you!!


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