Monday, 21 April 2008

Prize challenge entries so far...

I'm taking it that everyone is working really hard on this, which is why I only have the two entries so far??

This first entry is from Pat, who doesn't have a blog, but emailed it to me..

And here is one from Jackie, which I have pinched from her blog here

This one is from Andrea

This one is from Nikki

this is a close up of the little bear..cute or what?

Here is a handbag card made by Karen..

So come on everyone.. don't be shy.. there is a prize to be won, kindly donated by Phyllis at Diamond Card Craft.


  1. Gorgeous work on the prize entries...not seen your blog before but have now bookmarked it. Lovely work. If I am still eligible I would love to enter the blog candy raffle!

  2. I've made on!

    You'll find it on my blog...

    Nikki x

  3. Hi Joanne

    Came across your blog earlier tonight, don't know how. Anyway i have posted an entry on my blog for your blog candy give away. Hope you like it, Karen


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