My Blogging malarky isn't going too well is it!!!
I started off with all good intentions too - it just never quite reaches expectation! lol. So.. here we are again - a few weeks later than planned, and a little update of what's been going on. Shall we make this blog post number 1 of quite a few more? I think I just may.
Okay - so I haven't blogged for quite a while - mid May probably my last one - and I've been very busy. I've been to Create and Craft for a Pick of the Week or two, and I've also had a few extra shows featuring the most amazing Docrafts products .... Michael Powell no less!!!! I love his designs.
I have also been to Bath to film more Creativity episodes, and to Bournemouth for the Open Event at Docrafts.
I think I'll share a few photos from the Docrafts event, as it was a highlight for me. I met so many lovely retailers, crafters, fellow demonstrators, and Creativity Club members it made a perfect week.
We held workshops, demonstrations, chatted, learnt quite a bit, and generally had a jolly good time... as this photo shows!
This was taken on the Thursday evening, and this bunch of ladies are just the best!!
From the left we have Georgina, Janice, Cheremane, Naomi, me and Sheila..
I had arrived in Bournemouth on the Saturday to start the retailer event on the Sunday through to the Wednesday, and it was great fun... I really enjoyed talking to everyone, doing the workshops (a couple of weeks of panic attacks were soooo unnecessary!!) as well as meeting the folks at Docrafts everyday.. it was like a dream come true! Some of the Docrafts team I really hadn't spoken to before, so it was nice to get to know them a little better. And this is one very special lady I had the pleasure of doing it all with - our Sheila.

On the Wednesday afternoon was the start of our Demonstrator Conference, and we had some really great things planned - although I think falling over and landing flat on my face *quite* a few times really wasn't included in the plan! We did some Social Networking talks, tutorials on taking better photographs, a mini awards (yey!! I got an award too!!) ceremony, and lots more! It was nice to catch up with the folks I hadn't seen for a couple of years and to meet some really special people I had not met before. Naomi was one of these people... oh gosh she is such an adorable young lady and we had such fun and laughed so much..

On the Thursday, we had a full days schedule ahead of us.. it was all good fun. Thursday night we arrived back at the hotel and met up with some of the Creativity Club members who had arrived for our very first ever Club Day. The photo above was taken on the beach after our meal, when we got to know each other a little better and had a little fun. Poor Naomi nearly lost her Hermy Ducky in the sea (yes, the hotel give you little yellow duckies...) and we were quite lucky it got bought back inland.. but our Sheila lost her beautiful bracelet in the sea, and it didn't come back into land...
Friday was our Club Day and we had members of Creativity Club come to enjoy our day with us. Emma put so much effort into the day, and it was a great success! Here are a few piccies.

We had a really lovely time... and then it was time to go home.. and time to say goodbye to everyone, including this very special, lovely lady... our beloved Emma... The memories of this week are all ready to go into my new Scrapbook that I have - Katy Godbeer you are a very naughty lady for tempting me!!!
I hope you had enjoyed my update! I hope you can visit again soon to see what else I'm upto.. and as I always promise.. there will be a card or two being uploaded too.. I just need a little time.. lol.