Tuesday, 29 April 2008

We're getting a house guest...

This is Star..

He is supposed to be arriving tomorrow evening sometime with his Aunty Sally.

Star is coming into rescue and is a bit stuck for a home for a few days.. so I was asked if I minded helping out.. well.. I have what feels like a house full of springers, so I'm sure a lickle Cocker Spaniel would fit in well... lol.

He sounds like he's a good boy... five and a half years old, lived with dogs, and a bit loud when out walking.. but I'm sure that can be sorted..

I'm sure you'll agree, he looks amazing.. he's a blue roan cocker.. so look out for more photos coming soon. He should only be here for a few days...

1 comment:

  1. How's the puppy doing? Has he settled?

    Give him a hug from his auntie Nikki
    X X X X X X


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