Tuesday, 21 February 2017

I really need to get back into it......

I have missed my blogging.... seriously.... but I just don't seem to have had the inclination or time to do it. Don't ask me what I have been doing - I really couldn't tell you to be honest!

I have been doing my demo's on Hochanda for JoyCrafts, which I am thoroughly enjoying doing. They are fantastic products, fantastic prices and something different in little collections that work together. They're fab.

I've also been baking bits and bobs, keeping all the family well pudded up. Haha. A variety of different makes came from the kitchen - French Apple Tarts, buns, scones, fruit cakes, apple cakes... you name it and it's probably been done.

I will really try to get on top of the blogging again... and will share my makes and bakes like I used to do, but I wanted to let you know that I haven't disappeared all together. I will be back blogging very soon!

Hope you have beared with me during my absence.... and thanks if you have xxx
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