Monday, 21 April 2008

Coffee anyone?

Just a quick update this morning.... no photos I'm afraid, as I forgot to take photos of what I'd been doing this week.. a birthday card for my OLDER sister - she's getting on now you know.. (haha)Happy Birthday Sis!

I've also been making samples for an 'international' project, I can't tell you anything about that yet, but hopefully by the end of May so watch this space!! (yes, P, you know what I mean!)

Apart from these exciting projects, we've been putting in fitted wardrobes. We now have a fantastic, massive wardrobe in our bedroom which looks fantastic! We've also put a double one into Carley's room which will look brilliant when it's finished. This took all weekend to do, without time for cuppas... so in dire need of coffee.. !

What else? Nothing else really.. just don't forget to join in my PRIZE CHALLENGE and my BLOG CANDY further down the page... please send in your entries - who can resist something for nothing?!

If you like your blog candy, Anice has a bit of blog candy on hers too! Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Oi watch it Mrs nearly 40 lol. The card was lovely thankyou as was Martinas, next little Docrafts designer in the making there. See ya soon sis xxx


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