Monday, 26 January 2009

New things on the horizon... can you help?


I am fortunately still here, using my daughter's laptop. Mine has now gone off to the PC doctors to work their magic this week on the keyboard. I'm still at a loss for what the F11 key is, but I'm sure all will become clear at some point in the future.. maybe!

I am redoing my blog at the moment because I came onto it this morning and my sidebar had disappeared to the bottom. Funny really. Anyway, redesigning it as we speak.. (well, not actually as we speak - I may be a feeble (!) woman, but I most definately cannot multitask!! Not on a laptop anyway!) So.. I am making a new header, redesigning the layout and colours when I get my own laptop back, and also embarking on a new venture.

This is where I need your help.

I am in the process of making a new blog, which has been borne from the current economic climate. It started out as just a bit of a comment made off-the-cuff at the weekend, but something that I think I can work with as a bit of fun. So... I am in the need of some Design Team members. If you think you could be interested and you have a printer, time on your hands, have lots of creative inspiration, then email me... or just leave me a comment - I will visit your blogs to stalk you all.. lol... and of course, send out the details you will need.

That's all I want to say at the minute, just in case this doesn't turn out as well as expected.

I look forward to hearing from you lot of eager crafters... anyone?? noone?? oh well......


  1. Jo I have time on my hands, I have a printer, whether I have any talent that could inspire others I will leave for you to judge! but could be interested in a new venture to help fill my time.

  2. well I don't believe noone has got in touch yet .... or have they all emailed you instead?? Hmmmm I wonder! Anyway, I would love to be considered. Not too sure about lots of time on my hands but have a printer and LURVE to craft. Come over and have a nosey at my blog and say hi! Good luck with redisgning your blog .... can't wait to see the new look!

  3. Hi Jo...Hope that computer of yours gets up and active soonest. I dislike working on laptops...finding it much slower that normal....but I guess it is all relative!

    What are you looking for in designers?

  4. This sounds interesting Jo, I have the required elements, but don't know if my work is good enough for DT....we'll just have to see.

  5. So what are you up to then (apart from wrecking the lap top! :)) Come on Mrs, spill the beans!!!

  6. I have time on my hands, I have a printer.You can visit my blog:



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