Saturday, 3 January 2009

The 365 day challenge....

..... shall I see if I can get further than I did last year?? LOL... I did do this last year for a while, and then it just fell by the wayside. However, one of my New Year's Resolutions is to be more organised... so to start off.. I'm doing this challenge again to get my scrapbooking off on a roll!
Anna Bowkis has her challenges up on her blog.. go over and take a look. The challenges are the same as the ones that she did last year, but a new challengey type thing is coming soon!
January 2008
January 01, 2008

Day 1

Welcome to our 365 Day journey, a journey into our life's for a whole year. I am pretty nervous although full of excitement at what 2008 will bring to me, and looking back in exactly one year and reading my book of thoughts and seeing my layouts over a whole year , expressing who I am and my life journey.
Please note: Prompts will be posted at 11am GMT daily, my photo will be added throughout the day, so do check back. I would love you to leave a comment with a link to your 365 Day challenge. It will be great to see what you are all doing and for us to all be inspired by each other.

A prompt will be posted daily, a song lyric , a quote maybe. You can interpretate as you wish. I will give some guidelines.

Before we start i suggest you do the following;

- set up a new folder on your computer for photos, notes and stuff!

- Have your notebook and pen handy. Your notebook is your friend. Write down your daily thoughts, how you feel today, the weather, what you ate, where you went, just jot down the daily stuff.

- Make sure those camera batteries are charged

- take a deep breath and lets begin....

Prompt 1

"A day without laughter is a day wasted" - Charles Chaplain
Lets start the year with laughter

Journaling Prompt 1

I want you to write a list of Goals for 2008, nothing to unachievable, just a list of maybe 10 things you would like to do this year. If you want to go into more detail, why not try writing a Mission Statement, Stacey Julian has a free download here as an example. Use your note book to write your 10 Goals .

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