Sunday, 9 November 2008

Pupsters on parade..

I have just come on quickly this evening, because I just have to show you these piccies of the woofers that my 12 year old daughter took over the last few days. I have done a smidgin of editing over on photoshop (brightened, borders and name).

I don't know what you think, but I think she may well be able to join me on my wedding-worky-days in a few years time!!

I hope you like them!
Feel free to leave a comment or two, to give her a boost!

This is our youngest Springer, Holly. She's coming up 18mths now. She has such appealing eyes. Absolutely booooootiful character too!
This little (!!) guy is Scooby.. as playful as ever with one of Martina's socks! So sweet and innocent... not! He is our adopted rescue, who we've had since January, so this is his first Christmas here. He was two in July.

Now, don't be fooled by this little lady's prettyfulness! She's like a deranged devil in disguise.. lol..

Meet Unruly Truly!!! She was originally Truly Scrumptious, but that was when she first arrived from Ireland as a foster in May. Now she's settled in, her quirky little ways are starting to come out, and she has one hell of a personality! So funny, but also so absurd at times, you just need to love her! Anyway, that's all a different story for another day!

Truly is the oldest dog we have, turning two this last May just after she arrived. Everyone thinks she is the puppy because she is so tiny for a cocker.. but still lovely!

I hope you like the pics.. Thanks for looking!


  1. Fab pics Jo gorgeous pupsters and soooooo photogenic :)
    Val xxx

  2. She's definately got an eye with the camera.. the pics are gorgeous..

  3. Please can you come and photograph my dog please and make her look as cute as these do!!

  4. the photos are gorgeous,
    very professional,
    it also helps that the subjects are gorgeous too!!!

    Emma xxx

  5. Lovely photos! They are all soooo cute!



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