Monday, 3 November 2008

Meet Cecil..

Now isn't he a cheeky little fella??

He is my new Christmas 2008 ornament - the first new one for this year! My wonderful daughter Carley bought him for me from Dobbies last week.. isn't he the cutest thing??!!

I did tell my OH that deccies were going up early, and Cecil is now sat pride of place on my shelf!!

What? You think that's early?? Naaah... the Christmas Deccies are going up on Doncaster Lakeside this week!! Whoo hoo.. Santa's arriving!!!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Oh this is just precious dear. No never to early for Christmas. My daughter would freak out for that gorgeous snowman. She has snowmen all over her house at this time of the year.


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