Friday, 25 April 2008

Winner of the Blog Candy...

Hi everyone..
Sorry for this being a bit delayed, but I have had a busy week.. and thought I would leave it to today to get a few more people interested..

Anyway, I have just checked back through my post here and listed all people who have entered, what date and time they entered and gave them the following numbers.

Jackie - 1
Lythan - 2
Seedlings mum - 3
Jules - 4
Nikki -5
Anice - 6
Craftling - 7
Sandy - 8
Anon/Swedie - 9
Kathy H - 10
Caro - 11
Arty party - 12

To make it fair, I have used the Random Integar Generator to choose the winners.. and here they are..

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2008-04-25 08:34:25 UTC

Congratulations Girls... I will get your prizes posted out on Mon/Tues.. If you can please leave a comment with your addie, I won't print it.. but I can get your prizes out to you..

Thanks all for entering.. there will be another one soon!


  1. Woohoo!!! That'll be me then! lol :D

    Great! Thank you!

    How do I get my address to you?

    Happy Heather xx

  2. Well done to the winners!

    Enjoy your prize...

    Nikki x

  3. I forgot to mention, thanks for all the ideas from your blog, I have you in my favorite list...Kathy...

  4. Well done to the winners! Enjoy your prizes!!
    Anice xx


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