Thursday, 22 November 2007

just updating..

Hi all.
Not much to tell really, but thought I would just update.

Holly is now recovering well, everything has settled down and she's got the all clear from the vets, so is now full of beans again and enjoying her walks. (walks? I mean runs.. lol.. ) We went up to the woods yesterday and she thoroughly enjoyed it. It's the first time we've been up there for going on three weeks I guess, it's amazing how much it has changed in such a short time! Everything is starting to look very wintry - leaves off trees and a total difference to the other week when we were last up there..

I'm sorry there are no cards again today... most of what I have been doing is a bit confidential at the minute.. but it's quite a bit of parchment - everybody seems to have gone parchment craft mad again at the minute.. lol.. I was even teaching it last night, and everyone in the class did fantastic! There were two young ladies in particular, Ellie and Diane who have made the most brilliant little butterflies over the last couple of weeks (I think they're hooked!), and Angela who started it last night because she missed last weeks introduction.. she also did fantastic! Well done everyone. It's our penultimate week next week, so we are taking things a bit easier and doing a bit of spirelli, so hopefully sometime this week I will be able to share a few bits and pieces with you all.

The demo's at the weekend went really well again, the one on Saturday was at Hobbycraft in Sheffield (nice to see you again Mr Manager - Mark)... it's not often that we manage to catch up with the gossip, but he was in store that day .. not the usual happy little chappy he usually is, they had lost a member of staff a week or so earlier, and it was the funeral the day before.. but at least we caught up... he's a lovely guy, so if you're down there and you see him - give him a hug from me!!
I was demonstrating parchment craft - everyone was so interested in it.. and I had quite a few converts, mainly younger teenagers who needed a hobby (I think that's really nice).

The demo on Sunday was at the Range, Doncaster.. I'm not going to say too much about that one, only we didn't get off to the best of starts!!! Albeit, I had a fantastic day, the customers were all lovely and great fun was had by all.. alas, no goody bags which everyone came for, but hey! you can't win 'em all!

So .. until next time.. tata for now. I'll update again soon.

Happy crafting!


  1. thanks for your helpful comments on my blog Jo. I am pretty sure Lucky will be going for the op fairly soon! And if she ends up sleeping in our room I expect I will get used to it. She is only my second dog so it is a steep learning curve finding out what all the differences are. She is very affectionate and it is good to have her around as I grieved for our old dog far more than I had expected (he was a pain most of the time to be honest, until he settled down in the last two years!)
    I have photoshop but haven't used it yet - picasa does straighten a certain amount but can't make the sides get square agin!

  2. Good to hear from you. Glad the demos went well. You are obviously very busy. Take care.


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