Wednesday, 20 February 2013

An interview with .....

Happy Wednesday again everyone!

Today, I would love to introduce you to a fantastic Graphic Designer who brings us some of the wonderful Creativity Club downloads, just like these beauties!

Aren't these just fab?

So... who is the person behind these designs... well, it's no other than Docrafts very own

Jill Pryor

One of my earliest memories of my love of drawing was in my Grandma’s garden, when she taught me how to sketch a tree! Something seemed to connect and from then on anything to do with art became my first love.

I went on to study Illustration at the Bournemouth and Poole college of art and design, funding my HND course with weekend craft demonstrations, teaching craft workshops and freelance commissions. This was my first taste of inter-reacting with other crafters and as well as being great fun, I was inspired by the whole concept.

One of my clients was Design Objectives (docrafts) when it was in its infancy over 12 years ago. I became employed full time shortly after I began working for them and joined the docrafts team on their amazing journey to inject the inspiration of craft into consumers worldwide!

I had the privilege to be editor on the docrafts Creativity magazine and be involved in brand and product development and design, plus, implement the original docrafts website and nationwide demonstration program (currently headed by the lovely Becky Ironside!). It was an exciting, creative, whirl wind period of my life, with new skills being learnt at every corner, including the love of taking craft to another level.

Since the birth of my two beautiful daughters, I have been lucky enough to continue working alongside the docrafts team on a part-time basis, working closely with the fabulous Emma Collins on developing the Creativity Club weekly downloads as well as in-house graphic design and e-marketing. 


I LOVE the challenge of coming up with new designs, papers and digi-stamps and have recently started to convert the artwork into digital cards, which I have to admit, has become quite addictive! 

I get my inspiration by daily absorbing the colours, patterns and shapes around me and am constantly sketching ideas for use in the future. 2013 is going to be an exciting year for docrafts and I can’t wait to be a part of it! 

1 comment:

  1. Such a great peek into a great designer's life. Love some of those papers!


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