Thursday 22 September 2016

It's been a while.... so let's get this started again....

Oh dear... my poor, neglected little bloglet.

I didn't realise it was quite so long since I had been on here to do anything at all with it! So, for those who are still hanging on in the vague hope that I may one day post something again - here you are! And THANK YOU for staying and being faithful to my blog (even if I do feel like I abandoned it!)

As it's been quite a while, I guess there's lots to tell you - DD graduating from uni to become a fantastic nurse (if I say so myself - and she moved to Manchester *sad mummy*), my other DD becoming a besotted mummy to our latest little Grandfurry, Charlie the pupster. A wonderful holiday to Somerset, lots of furry playtimes and snuggles, lots of crafting *ahem* and new windows!

See, the list is never ending now!!!

So. Where to begin.

Well, as you may have guessed, I left my job at Tonic at the beginning of the month, so time has been my own since then. It's taken a little bit of getting used to - watching tv, playing researching on my phone for a new hobby, and having lots of cuddles with baby Charlie the pup. Here he is, looking adorable.

 This was taken in his garden, at home where he lives with mummy and daddy Austin - Lannon. He's well at home, apart from the fact that Daddy Lannon plants nice flowers and shrubs and little C decides to pull and chew at them... bad puppy!

But who could resist that cute little sweetie smile?!

He often goes around to see his Uncle Leyton and Aunty Carly... and also sees his Aunty Carley here when she comes back from Manchester. But his all time favourite pastime is being good and acting really cute to get treats for his big cousins!

He is such a little cutie. And he loves his nanna and grandaddy lots. Even if it is just for the water bowl after a long walk, and a few treats along the way!

Well... I think that's enough waffling from me for now... I will share a few things that I've been making, and try to update my blog layout so things are a little easier to find from now on. 

I'm on a roll I tell thee.... I'm on a roll!!!


  1. Ahhh Jo he is so cute, hope all is well in JO land. Carol x

  2. Awww he is sooo cute... butter would't melt!!! Enjoy your new hobby...x

  3. Awww he is sooo cute... butter would't melt!!! Enjoy your new hobby...x

  4. Aww Jo. Good to have you back blogging. And the new fur baby is just so adorable. Hope you are well.
    Take care Hun. Xxx

  5. He's absolutely adorable & so are his furrycousins.
    I hope you are enjoyin your 'me time' you deserve it, the right job will come along when you are ready & not before :-) you are amazing at everything you do, can't wait to see what you will do next :-)
    I hope to catch up with you again soon (((hugs))) xxx

  6. He's absolutely adorable & so are his furrycousins.
    I hope you are enjoyin your 'me time' you deserve it, the right job will come along when you are ready & not before :-) you are amazing at everything you do, can't wait to see what you will do next :-)
    I hope to catch up with you again soon (((hugs))) xxx

  7. Oh Jo he's so adorable and it is so nice to see you back in blog land again. Hope you are enjoying the rest xxxx

    Hugs Debs xxx

  8. Welcome back to blog land Jo. Not surprised you have been absent for such a while, what a busy lady you've been.
    Looking forward to seeing which new hobby you decide to take on.
    Crafty hugs


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