Monday, 26 September 2016

A little bit of prettiness.

Hello again...

Crafting influx here we come!

As I said previously, having a little bit of spare time on my hands has meant that I've been able to look at all the stash I have in my room - clear a little bit out for charity, sort some out to sell, and regain a bit of space! - and get crafting doing things I've missed for a while.

I've had a new sewing machine sat in my room alongside the new overlocker that's never seen light of day since I bought it, and I decided to get it out. Do some sewing and get creative. I want to make a quilt. I tried - disaster. So. I decided to make a doll. On the second attempt (after the initial "I know what I'm doing, let's just get her cut out!") I read the instructions, followed them religiously and she turned out pretty well if I say so myself.

She was a kit from the Bobbin Patch, and was very easy to make (once you read the instructions. lol)
This dolly was called Totti, But I think I prefer to call her Dolly. She has a sweet little face with painted details, so is perfectly safe for kiddies too. I opted to use some acrylic paints that I picked up from the Works - just a cheap set - but you could use any acrylics you have at home.

I chose not to paint on her black shoes, as I like her stripy stockings just the way they are. She even has little bloomers on under her skirt - sweet or what?!

The dress is also very easy to make, and the pattern pieces and instructions are really easy to follow - but remember to read them and take note of the seam allowances. Some are included and some are not.

So, I will leave you with little dolly Totti, and get on with uploading another bit of crafty stuff that I have been making.

Until next time - Happy Crafting all!!!


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