Thursday, 16 May 2013

Ten things...

Yes, I know I promised to get back on track with the blogging, but things just seem to get in the way, and to be honest, it's been nice not worrying if I have anything to upload. I have treated myself to a well deserved break, and I feel better for it. So, trying to keep up with the Blog post a day challenge, and as you can see from the title, I'm not doing very well!!

So. What's new? Well, nothing really to be honest.. although the weekend saw us collecting the new addition to our little fold. I say addition. It should really read additionS... lol. as we have two little furkitties come to live with us.

We have a ginger and white boy called Humphrey and his mackerel tabby sister Lola. The other sister we collected has gone onto her forever home and been called Fleur. They are just 8 weeks old and are little  bundles of loveliness. After two days here they have settled in well with their big brother Senna, who has turned into a little mother hen.  They even come to you when they haven't seen you for a little while, and are eating absolutely perfectly. We've had a couple of little accidents but nothing too major.

Here they are..

This is little Humph. Such a tiny sweetheart he is. He loves his cuddles, and talks to you quite often. He is quite a contented little puss, and I'm sure he's going to grow up to be a beautiful large boy.

This is Lola. She is slightly more mischievous, and not quite as big as Humph, but she eats like a trooper and always has her head in the food bowl! She has her little routine at mealtimes.. wake up, toilet, eat, toilet, sleep! She is soooo contented.

And here is the Mother Hen..

Well, I say Mother Hen, but really it should be Father Cockerel I suppose. Doesn't sound quite the same though does it.. lol. But here is my old boy, Senna.

He's just had his birthday, so is of a grand old age.. and I think the two little tearaways have tired him out... He is suffering a little hayfever at the moment where he keeps going up the garden. Vets time again me thinks as his eyes are getting a little runny... but love this photo of him fast asleep.

Apart from loving the little furbabies, and spoiling my woofers, I have indeed done a little bit of crafting.. and here's a couple of what I've created for my demo's. These are all from the Ahoy There selection of stamps. I just love these, and I like the way that just going around the edges with chocolate ink, you can make it look quite vintage. I hope you like them.

So... onto my Blog Post a Day, and it was (lol) 10 things that make me happy.. and here's my list.

  1. My family - by family, I mean my husband, children and sister in law Tilly. Without them, there is no me. They put up with me  support me with my work and things I do and rarely complain. I don't have any other family to care about, so to me they are everything and I treasure them dearly. (even if I do whine about things, but hey... that's allowed isn't it?!
  2. My furbabies. Such a wonderful little furry family I have, we have the three woofers, Scooby Holly and Truly, and my kitties, Senna, Humphrey and Lola. They live perfectly together and I just love my cuddle time with them. 
  3. Work - I love my job. I work with Docrafts, one of the leading craft suppliers in the UK and working alongside some of the most awesome designers there is fantastic. I also get to go out and meet some great crafters and share ideas and techniques. What's not to like about that?
  4. Peppermint Tea. Oh yes. A perfect start to the day me thinks.. it's great as a pick me up through the day too. I also like my Chai tea... any tea really. It used to be coffee, but don't drink that so often these days. 
  5. Reading. By reading, I mean it depends on what I'm reading. At the moment its the organising and time management books by Julia Morgenstern, and they make perfect sense to me. They've helped me alot this past few weeks. I also love looking through cookery books, which brings me to number 6.. 
  6. Baking - yes, baking, not cooking! I can't cook... although I try, but it's not always successful. Baking is not always successful either, but at least it's tasty! lol. I have a great collection of books which are now on my new bookcase so I can peruse at leisure. Favourites at the minute are the Hairy Bikers Curry book, (yes I can now successfully make a curry from scratch!) and my cake decorating books. I don't make posh cakes, but one day....!
  7. My Sat Nav. Without it I doubt I would be able to do my job. It still takes me the wrong way, lol, but at least I can get there more or less in one piece. 
  8. Mablethorpe. I know, it's a silly number 8. But I love Mablethorpe. It brings back many happy memories of days gone by with the children on our family holidays. We have a lovely beach down there that I love to visit too which is nice and quiet. 
  9. Britains Got Talent - hell, this has to make an appearance. There is so much talent out there in the UK it's so lovely to see people giving it a go.. and good luck to them! It's also quite funny at times, and makes me think that one day I will be there singing my heart out and not getting any buzzers! lol.
  10. Last one, so what will this be? it has to be my craft room. It makes me happy. I - and other members of the family - like to sit in there and chill out. It looks out on the garden, so I can watch the birds come and go and look at the changing seasons. Perfect. 

So.. there's my top 10. Now what's yours? Leave a link and I'll come a visiting!


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