Wednesday, 15 August 2012

ooooh what a weekend...

Things have gone a bit bonkers here, and work is slowly but surely getting there... ! I don't have masses of things to do, but the odd thing that is in my diary is scheduled into my routine and I just don't seem to have the energy to do it. Could it be Olympic withdrawal ?? Maybe!

I have however, been busy doing samples for my demo's.. and this last weekend I was over at Reams in Derby.. what lovely staff, and what a wonderful shop and customers. It was really nice being there again - I hadn't been since March.

This weekend, I'm over in Rotherham on Saturday, so if you're passing it would be lovely to see you!

I will be back shortly with a card or two to show you - I have been 'a bit' busy whilst I've not been here.. I promise... !

Until then.. happy crafting!

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