Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Day 8 blog prompt

Well.. here goes again for another day.. I still have a few to catch up on when I get chance. But I need a few more hours at home, then I'll be sorted.. lol.

Anyway onto today.. and the prompt is.. What book are you reading at the moment? Share a project inspired by this book.

So, what am I reading at the moment.. well, truth is not too much at the moment. I do have The Tenant of Wildfell Hall on my app on the phone, and I do tend to dib in and out of it occasionally. It's an Anne Bronte book and one that I read in depth for my O levels many years ago. I remember I loved that book, and it got me quite a good mark on my exams too.. go clever old me. I loved the story behind it, and the way that Anne wrote just blew me away. I quite like all the Bronte sisters books, but Anne is my favourite.

It's about the only 'reading' book I've read. I know that sounds silly, but I'd much rather read an autobiography or a magasine, I dont often read 'story books'.. if you know what I mean.

Again, I will catch up on this one later.. lol..


  1. I keep meaning to read some of the Bronte Sisters book. I got one on my Kindle on my phone, but not got round to reading it yet :\

  2. Well done on the catch up Jo, you've managed to squeeze them all in Xxx


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