Thursday 5 April 2012

Pwiddy flowers...

yes.. it's flower time! Photography. Flowers. Dogs. But this time just flowers, well, blossom to be more precise.

This is what our plum tree was amass with last week - but after the battering of rain, wind and snow ( !! ) today, then I'm not sure what will be left.. I didn't arrive home until late yesterday, so didn't have time to assess the damage.

The worst thing is about this weather, we have an abundance of little lambkins that have been put out to grass with their mummys... and they're so tiny. Poor little things must be frozen. Bless.. I hope they're okay.

Anyway.. photos... here you go... enjoy! I just think there's something quite magical about the dormant plants bursting into life within a short while of Christmas. Don't you?




  1. Nice pics and yeah what a change in the weather.
    Well sun back today but for how long.
    Fi x

  2. Gorgeous photos. Thanks for sharing. Love the blog.


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