Sunday, 15 April 2012

How cute...

Well my gosh.... I'm so behind with my blog posts lately, but in my defence I've done just over 1000 miles in the car this week with work..... So can you forgive me?

I thought I'd share a photo with you from the four day deal I had on create and craft last week.... Hot diggity dog.

I love this little fella, he so reminds me of my scooby... So cute.

The pic, if it attaches, is of the table with the product on... The amount of content was amazing for the price! (I'm doing this from my mobile whilst having a cup of tea in bed.... Luxury!!)

I will be back later with more photos for you. X x

1 comment:

  1. Love your Shows Jo.You are an inspiration.So manyt tips and ideas.Love Docrafts products so versatile and suit all occasions.
    Keep up the great work x

    sharon x


Animated Social Gadget - Blogger And Wordpress Tips