Sunday 25 September 2011

Devoted to Kiarra.

This post is especially devoted to our little cat, Kiarra. Here she is.


It's not very often that you can get a good picture of her as she isn't the most sociable of cat sometimes ( !! ) and tends to turn away. But I couldn't resist taking a few photos of her yesterday as she was sat on the shoe box of all places!


She's such a sweetie now. When we first got her, my husband and son bought her and her siblings home from where they were living in a carrier bag in the hedge! They were all quite small and were aged from 2 weeks (which Kiarra was approximately) to 6 weeks. We kept Kiarra and reared her ourselves.

The others were taken by the RSPCA as we couldn't possibly manage all of them!

She grew up to be a bit of a tyrant.. quite nasty, and to be honest, you wouldn't have wanted to look at her at one time.. but now, around 13 years later, she's the most loving of cats you would ever want..... at times!


She's showing her age now, still quite fiesty and energetic at times, but quite lethargic and arthritic at others.

Bless her.

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