Monday, 5 April 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone..

I have had such a brilliant time over the last week or so. More on the new happenings later...

Firstly, I just want to show you a few things that I've been making over the last week or so. I haven't had chance to get them uploaded, so will split them up into a few posts over the next few days so I don't inundate you all at once.. lol.


This card was one of a few I made last week. I enjoy making my swaps for a Stampin Up forum I go on, it's a great way to recieve new samples and get some great new ideas.

For this card, I used the Bella Toile background stamp (I really love this stamp!) and it makes perfect wedding invitations, which was ideal because the swap I did was 'Wedding invitations'.


Now then.. a few weeks ago when I was making my samples for the last TV show, I nipped over to my friend Sheila's with my stash to see what we, along with the fabbie Chris, could come up with.. well, as you can see, apart from the mess we created, we didn't actually get alot done on the day. I wasn't very well, so left early to leave the girls to it... only they deserted my TV stuff too, and got playing with other things. Tut!


Just one last little photo for you today.

This is a photo of my springers Holly and Scooby. They love to cuddle up together, and here they are tucked up under the bed covers. They are so daft sometimes. Truly was probably somewhere chasing her shadow haha.

So... news!

Well, things are changing here in the Austin household.

I'm not going into details here for one reason or another, but let's just say, whether my children live here or elsewhere, I love them all dearly and wouldn't want them to be any other way than what they are. They don't suffer fools gladly so the saying goes, and give their love and respect to those that deserve it. Wonderful chidren.. all three... and I'm very proud of all of you! You derserve the new jobs and opportunities that you have been given, and you need to grab them in both hands and treasure them. Gawd, now I sound like a right sloppy sod! It's just that things change, things move on and I am starting to feel a tad old.. lol.

Me? Well, I've had a busy week planning classes and projects, doing some samples for TV again (for next Wednesday I think it is..!?), preparing for the Easter Fair over in Carcroft (photos tomorrow) and making cards for other occasions.

so, that's enough of my waffling, I'll be back tomorrow with more exciting news, and more projects.

See ya later!

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