Friday, 23 April 2010

Birdy punch? What birdy punch??

Question - When is a bird punch not a bird punch?
Answer   - When it's a tulip!


See. You should have guessed that one.

This card was one we had planned for our Stampin' Up! Craft Evening over at Bullcroft Memorial Hall for last night. Lots of prep and sorting, cutting and measuring go into doing these evenings, and for me and Sheila, and everyone who comes along, they are very special! There is nothing like crafting with a bunch of like-minded folks and getting a prize (or four) for it.

The materials are always ordered a month or so in advance, so once a project is decided there is no going back. This causes a little bit of a dilemma sometimes, because as crafters, we invariably change our minds to what we want to do.

For this reason, we have lots of projects in the pipeline for doing, but if you did want to come along to one of our evenings, then please let us know what you would like to do, or have a go at, and we'll try to schedule it in.Why not come along to them all? You'll love it!

So... back onto the tulips. They were made with this punch -

This is the Two Step Bird punch which is in the Mini catalogue at a very cheap (get it??) price of just £13.50.

I LOVE THESE PUNCHES!!! The reason I love these punches is because they fold flatter than my standard punches. I now have two of this style, and I need all of the others changing over to it NOW. As you can see, they lie flat but still release to a proper style punch when you release the slider on the back of it. Great idea!

The card was then finished off with a strip of paper from the lovely Tea Time papers from the main catalogue, and also the oval all stamp set and punches, again from the main catalogue.

On this close up photo, you can see exactly what bit I've used to create the tulips - yep, the wings.


It was a wonderful class last night, thank you all so very much for coming along, and thank you for your orders. I am sure you're going to enjoy playing with your new things when they arrive!

I'll be back later to show you another project from the three things we made last night.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful card! Tulips are my faves, what a creative way to use that gorgeous birdie punch!


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