Tuesday, 30 June 2009

It's woofin' hot round here..

Blimey - me reckons that summer has arrived at last! I am not a heat/sunlover really, and I have two fans in the house whirring around to cool it down. The dogs are loving it too! They are all really hot and bothered, and even after a couple of minutes outside are puffin' and pantin'! It was around 22 degrees yesterday, and is apprantly around 24 here today!

However.. I my new lickle investment piece arrived today - a Canon IS F4 zoom lens! Ohhhh I've waited for this baby for a while I can tell you! And when I actually did decide to order it, it arrived within 18 hours - how good is that?

Well.. of course I had to have a play didn't I? And my usual two suspects were happy to be apprehended and roped in!


Fluffball Scoobs is looking a handsome lad these days. And below, you will see Grotbags (AKA Holly!) is just being her usual mischievous self.. lol. Now, you have to meet our little Starlet to realise why her name is Grotbags - our little nickname for her.. and it suits her well! Truly was nowhere to be seen - as is usual when the camera is around. Reckon she must be a bit shy!


The lens is fantastic.. I love it already.. and the IS is great too - I had a play with some photos using it and not using it.. what a difference it makes when full zoom is on too! Very helpful as I tend to always shoot fully manual.

Well.. I'd better get off and carry on the work - I've got a Designer Kit from Docrafts sat here, unloaded twice and popped back in for a quick peek, but I've had a few magasine commissions come in over the last few weeks so needed to get them done first.  I'm currently working on SU samples, mag work, POW for Docrafts, and trying to get some other work done in between.. as well as trying to get the darn laptop sorted - it's apparantly the power cable - what can anyone do without the use of a power cable??!! I wonder!

Right.. I'm really off now.. off to have a natter with me buddy Nikki. xx

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