Friday, 20 June 2008

What a day!

Don't you sometimes have those sort of days where crap things happen and yet you still feel dead chuffed with yourself?? Well, that was today for me!

I called Trimcraft today and had a word with the demo manager there.. and now I'm free!!!! I have been thinking long and hard for ages about this, as Jane would tell you!.. but never actually plucked up the courage to do anything about it... well, today's that day! I no longer work for Trimcraft.

I've had an okay time over this past year, I loved doing the demonstrations and having a good old natter with like minded crafters, but it just wasn't 'doing it' for me, iyswim.. let's just say 'certain' companies have a better understanding of the demonstration programme! (yep.. Katy, that means yours!)... So.. decision made.. done.. dusted... finished!

In addition to this, I have been breeding washing.. I'm sure the more I wash, the more appears.. I never understand why this is!

I've also just been down to the vets with the poopies for the routine wormers.. Scooby has maintained at around 24 kg, Holly is around 15 kg so has put on a kg, and Truly is now just over 10kg and was 9.3 I think... She is looking so much better..

Will be back later with some photos hopefully.. I've been busy making cards but not for here at the minute... sorry! And yes... Hazel, I have your package all wrapped and ready to go, just sorry it's taken so long to sort it.. I haven't forgotten.. xx Thank you for being patient!

Right... off now to drown my sorrows in a bottle of Glenfiddich... not! TBH, I have umpteen things on the go at the minute, and something had to go... now I feel more at ease!


  1. Good for you Jo! Always good to do what feels right!!

  2. Hi. Just thought I would come and say hi to another sister (SBS 19 Sisterhood of the Blogging Stampers) has been formed now and I can't wait to get to know everyone in our group.

  3. Hi - I am a fellow SBS19 member and look forward to getting to know you

    Wendy x

  4. I'm just popping by to say "hi" to a fellow member of SBS 19. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.
    Jen x

  5. Just popped by to say Hello. I've just joined SBS 19 and look forward to getting to know you. Fantastic blog.


  6. I'm happy for you, Jo.

    I just got here to say hi as your SBS19 new sister.
    Can't wait to get to know you better.

  7. Hey SB19 sister! That's Texan for "hello". :) Just popping in to browse your blog. Your pup is adorable!

  8. Hiya Jo, well were all finally up and running for SBS19, so Hello fellow Sister :O)
    Look forward to getting to know ya a bit better :O)

  9. Ahhh, your Scooby brings back memories of my "miss muffit". Saying "hi" to a fellow SBS19 sister. Have a great day!

  10. well I hope that your SBS19 sisters will be here for you to share with, and that might help crummy days seem a little more sunny. I look forward to learning from you and sharing with you.

  11. If it is any consolation and drown in washing.......and ironing too!

  12. Hi Jo just wanted to introduce myself as one of your fellow SBS19 sisters i am Jo too! looking forward to getting to know you

  13. Hi Jo. another new sister here from SBS, look forward to chatting to you.
    hugs kate :-) x

  14. Hello Jo
    Just popped on to say hi from a new sister. Hope all goes well for you in this 'new phase'. Speak soon

  15. Hi,
    I'm another one of your SBS19 sister...
    Just dropping by to say hi!

    Love you blog (and I adore that snail photo...)!


  16. Glad you're all sorted hope life becomes less stressful!

    Your tale of the snails made me giggle TFS

    Carol :0)

  17. There is a little something on my blog for you xxx

  18. A quick hi from me Jo - looks like we are fellow SBS Sisters!


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