Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Tagged by Hazel

Hazel tagged me a few days ago and I've only just got around to doing it..
Here are my answers:

What were you doing 10 years ago?
Blimey... ten years ago.. I think I was bringing up a one year old baby girl, along with the rest of the family, and we bought our old dog Asti, who died this year with cancer. I was also working at the chippy in the evenings and weekends thinking there was definately more to like than coming home stinking of fish cakes!

What were you doing 1 year ago?
Oh now that was easy... I realised there was more to life than working at the chippy. I had been working in my amazing job as a demonstrator with Docrafts, when I went 'more' freelance and got a few other jobs coming in. Started having work published, and thoroughly started to enjoy my work days again!

Five snacks you enjoy:
oranges, scones with jam and clotted cream(should I just say clotted cream? stuff the scones!) I really love hazelnut yoghurts, chocolate sometimes, last but not least, meringue!

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
Oh my.. where to start.. My ultimate ambition would be to have a Spaniel rescue centre, to help as many dogs like Scooby that I possibly can! I would also love to have a house in the country, a craft shop to call my own, where I could play all day! Can't really think of anything else.. as long as I have my health and happiness, family and pets, I think I'm pretty sorted!

Five things you like doing:
Definately walking the dogs.. that's my morning constitution sorted!, I love sitting in my shed doing a bit of tidying and crafting... I really love doing my demo's for the most fantastic companies ever! Two more? Are you sure?? Spending time with my family, walking along the beach, going on holiday.. Life is what you make it.. and mine's more or less perfect!

Five things you would never wear again:
was that 'would' never, or 'could' never? If it was a could never, that would be anything that fitted me years ago! **blush**. I don't really know.. I would never wear a wedding dress again, batwing jumpers (stripy too.. what was I thinking!) Jeans, a bomber jacket, and last but not least, bay city roller trousers!!

Five favourite toys:
Oh really!!!!! I'm far too old!
Now if you mean serious crafting equipment, that would have to be my die cutting machines, alongside my laptop, my foot spa (SOOOOOOO refreshing!), cuttlebug templates (does that count?) my dishwasher (I know.. i know... I'm sad.. but wouldn't be without it!)

Now.. I need to tag five people.. so this could be


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