Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Yes... this is sooooo true!!! Saturated Canary: what is ~Mojo~ and where does he go?

Saturated Canary: what is ~Mojo~ and where does he go?: Sometimes I get out of my creative groove.   It is a lot like flying down the highway and drifting over the white line into the bumpy tir...

1 comment:

  1. THE BLUEBERRY BEARMarch 3, 2013 at 2:07 AM
    I certainly read your post all the way to the end, Krista, and I identify with you! My Mr Mojo takes unexpected leave of absence once in a while and I think I have identified the cause .. feeling overwhelmed.
    I'd like to share my way of inviting the elusive little chap back:

    1. FAMILY FIRST - (that's me in the mix too)
    2. Make a to-do list of what is overwhelming me and then take one day at a time

    - work on doing these every day .. do something that makes a difference in one person's life, finish one item on that to-do list (-only one!), spend quality time with my children (-that's not while I am distracted being their taxi driver or cooking the dinner), give hubby some quality time

    I find that at the end of the day I have a sense of achievement, and can relax a little bit more each evening ... = me time
    By the end of the day Mr Mojo is knocking at my door cos my mind is not cluttered by what's still to do, but open because of the 'already-dones'


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