Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Some GREAT news...

I'm going to play!!

In February, Stampin' Up! announced that they were exhibiting at the ICHF Hobbycrafts show at Liverpool, and if any demo's wanted to go and help them out, we could apply and six demo's would be picked by random.

Well, guess what???? I was picked! Me! One of six demo's who are going to be helping out over the weekend of the show. Two of us will do each day and at the moment, I'm not sure which day I will have.  The day sounds like it's going to be fantastic, so I'm getting dead excited!

But isn't it exciting??

So.. if you fancy coming along to see Stampin' Up! in action, then here are the details =

ICHF Creative Stitches and Hobbycrafts
Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool 
23rd to 25th April 2010

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