Thursday, 25 February 2010

A Crafty Evening

Hi folks.. sorry for the delay in posting but I've had a few card orders and bits to get finished this week, so I'm a bit slow in getting my bits and pieces uploaded for you all.

Well.... what a night we had on Monday! I think me and Sheila are still aching from it!

After waiting such a long time, it was finally here - our first ever Stampin Up Craft Evening! Sheila and I had done lots of waiting for the evening to arrive and we weren't disappointed. Even though it had snowed, a grand total of 22 people turned up which is fantastic, so thank you to each and every one of you who made it... it was lovely to see you all happy and crafting.

The other thing that I loved was there were all ages there, ranging from Kathryn's little girl to ladies a little older than me! But the projects that Sheila had planned and designed were wonderful and loved by all.

Here's one of the things we made -


This was the first sample of the card, so it's black and yellow, but the one we made on the night was slightly different colours from the Soft Subtles range of cardstock.

We also made a gift box with the So Swirly wheel and Oval All stamp sets, and a notepad holder using the Sale a Bration set Vintage frames.

I had arrived at the Hall at around 5pm to start setting up, poor Sheila had been there all day with work, and we'd just about sorted and finished by 10.30pm.

Here are some photos of the wonderful ladies who attended.. excuse the photos being so bad ***note to self.. get a bloomin mobile that has flash, or at least remember me camera!***


Having a minutes break to look at all the samples that were displayed around the room. Did you notice the coffee pot, choccies and biccies on the far table? Yep.. we feed and water you too.. lol.


All very busy and industrious. We had three tables set out, one for each project.I think this one gets the vote for the 'messy table'. What do you think?


Aww, the lovely Mandi.. what a doll! (and thank you so much for the lovely text at the end of the evening.. it meant alot to me and Sheila).


Come on now ladies... no giggling - just work! Hehe..See, I told you this was the Messy Table.


Three very happy little bunnies.This was the end of the evening... so I'm not quite sure if they were just pleased to be going home.. mmmmm..


A few different wonderful ladies on this table too - at the back you can see our youngest crafter of the evening, with her mum, the lovely Kathryn. (Don't tell her I told you this, but she is soooooo sweet!)And nearest to us is another Cathryn, a lovely lady who I had been in contact with by email, and had now finally got the chance for a hug with. It was lovely to meet you in the flesh my love. I'm not quite sure what Sheila is doing with her hand on the left of the photo.. but it made me chuckle.

So.. there you have it. Workshop Numero Uno. Done. Dusted. Finito.

If you feel you've missed out on all the fun, then don't worry! We are holding another event on Wednesday 24th March 2010 from 7pm to 9pm if you'd like to join us. We would absolutely love to see you there, so why not get it put into your diaries.

If you and your friends would like to book a place, email me on, ring or text me on 07545 579 096 or ring Sheila on 01302 726633 (you may also get to speak to the lovely Kathryn).

If you've never had the chance to craft and wonder what it's all about, then wonder no more.. come along and we'll show you how easy it is to make some brilliant projects.

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