Friday, 17 April 2009

so... what've I been upto?

Well... I'll tell you... I have just become a Stampin' Up demonstrator  -  YAY!

I have had the phone call and chat with a lovely lovely person - and got my demo number, placed my order for my kit and I'm just waiting for it to arrive so I can have a play!

So, if you'd like to have a workshop and earn some free goodies, just let me know.. have sat nav, will travel! I'm just in the process of sorting out a seperate bloggy or something for it, so my things don't get lost with all my other ramblings on here.. best keep them seperate me thinks!!

What else is new??

Well, LILI OF THE VALLEY have a show today over on Create and Craft at 11am, it's a live show so don't forget to tape it.. and I wish the lovely Lisa and Laila all the best for it - I'm sure Lisa said they were working with Nigel - he's such a doll.. love him to bits!! If you're really lucky - or unlucky! - you may just see a few of my cards on there.... the DT have been beavering away making a few samples for the show this week (hence the lack of posting on here.. lol) and I'll share my kaboodle with you when the show has finished. Can you wait that long? Of course you can.. !

I've also been making my projects as a designer for STAMPTIVITY and they got posted back at the beginning of the week - I'm still sorting them off the camera so I can crop them down a little, so will be able to show them to you too shortly. There will be step by step instructions too for them over on the website, I just need to finish getting them typed up and sent in..

Other than that, (!) I'm prepping for a demo tomorrow over in Norfolk - yikes! a 3 hour drive in the morning - so I'm a pretty busy bunny this week. I got my stuff from Craftime on Tuesday for this demo, so really need to get the samples knocked out and finished today. I will be at Bead This, Craft That in Dereham. What a lovely name for a shop don't you think?!

So, that's me all done.. I'm still blufing around the net, stopping by everyones blog in a hurry, so I've not had much time to post comments - I promise to be a better blogger this next week.. lol..

Till then, toodles.. xxx


  1. WOW Well Done you on being a SU demonstator. I had thougth about it but I am the only crafty person in my neighbourhood and don't have the nerve to go to peoples houses to demo!!! Aren't the things brilliant. Looking forward to seeing your samples Hazelxox

  2. Hi Jo, welcome to the wonderful world of Stampin' Up! I'm a new Demo myself & loving it.

    All the best

    Jan x

  3. I hope you love being an SU! demo. I have been one for just over a year, which I did not think could do for that long (my own best customer and all)

  4. Welcome to the fold JO, I am sure you will love being a demo M xxxx


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