The sun was shining.. the weather was hot, and we had a really lovely time.
Here are some pics.. and of course, one of Holly being 'Mrs Cutey-Patootie'.
When we go down to Kent, we always go over the bridge.. and after many times of promising myself to take a photo.. here it is!
I absolutely love the feeling when you finally get over it! Talk about vertigo!! But when we are descending on the other side and have paid to get through the tolls, it's an absolutely wonderful feeling to be going back Darn South! I just love Kent.. I love it, love it, love it!!!
Haha... good old Google Earth!
I didn't take any pictures whilst we were out exploring, but bought this up on GE. This is Plain Road where Paul lived when he was younger. The new houses are built on a boat yard, and boy are they lovely! Must admit.. we were seriously thinking one of these could do us as a new home. Kent here we come!! Paul lived in the houses on the right. Not too far from the beach.. perfick!
This is Sandgate seafront. Just outside Folkestone is this lovely, quaint little area. I really like visiting Sandgate when we go South. It brings back many happy memories of cherished friends, and lovely folks we knew.
And what do you just HAVE to do at the seaside......
Well... go for chips of course! And this little chippy is fantastic. This is just across the road from where Nana Dot and Grandad Sid lived when they were alive. They passed away what seems like years ago, but the chippy lives on.. lol. They make the most yummyish chips and even sell Huss (one of Paul's favourites!). But we were good. We only had chips as we were having salmon and salad when we got back home.
Sitting on the seafront eating fish and chips. Nothing like it on earth!
Not much of a view from here but there were reasons to take this pic.. namely to text it to Carley who was at home to say we were at the seaside.. lol.
However, this is Folkestone from our walk along the Leas. Beautiful walk. Beautiful place.
And finally.. here we are...
On our way home. Feeling sad to be leaving the Garden of England.. but happy knowing we'll be going back - maybe for good someday.. who knows!? In fact, househunting down there at the weekend, we found prices very favourable to ours. Now to find that perfect holiday home and we'll be sorted forever.
This photo was taken just as we were leaving to go under the Dartford Tunnel. What a grandious piece of idea was that! Driving to a depth of around a mile under the River Thames??!! Who on earth thought of that? And is this what the channel tunnel is like? Then me thinks I would rather go by air! Or sea! Or something else.. but not driving under the water!!
And when we got home?
Well, that was just perfect too! The kids were all at home, Leyton's beloved had stopped over on Saturday so it was lovely to say Hi to her too. And lunch was ready for us. And tidying up had been done. And there was a bit of malteser cake made for us. What else could we need?
Well, a great big, giant sloppy cuddle from each of the wufflets, and a look into the most affectionate eyes you could ever imagine. Here you go.. a little look at them -
Here's Holly looking pretty. She has the most beautiful eyes a girly could have.
That's all for now. I promise I'll be back with some cards soon.
Hee hee I think I'd rather take my chances and swim!