Friday, 23 April 2010

Oh Plum Trees!


Is anyone still there??

Sorry I haven't been around for a few days, life is just getting in the way again - well, work is really. Not that I'm complaining, but it's all systems go at the moment.

To start today though, I just wanted to share with you that my lovely, wonderful, charming Sis -Lesley- is coming over from Canada later on in the year! It was absolutely fantastic news to me and mine, as it will be nice to meet up with her and hubby Gary, sit chattering 'til all hours and have a general catch up! Wilma - I'm so looking forward to seeing you!!!! (Wilma/Betty are our nick names for each other lol)

Right then - onto my proper post, and I am stunned with how much blossom there is already on my lickle plum tree!!


I haven't even trimmed it back yet, and there are squillions of these blooms! You know what that means..... lots of yummy plums!!

Other than observing the joys of Spring and everything popping into life, I have been busy making a few projects.

This one is a little taster for you -


I can't share the whole thing just yet, well, until next Sunday actually, as it's for the Dabble Day I'm doing over in Bawtry, for the lovely Kim Sutton. This is the front section of 'whatever it is' we're making. lol.

So, I really must get on for now - late nights and early mornings are not ideal you know, for three little furry pumpkins who like to sleep in! Honestly, they are sooooo laid back these woofers are! They hate mornings. I hate mornings. Gawd, they are so much like me! (Well, apart from they're furry and I'm not. Well, not too much anyway!!!! lol)

So, check back soon and there are a few card projects coming up.

See ya later!
Jo xx

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