Wednesday 27 May 2009

Feeling very very sad..

Oh isn't life a shit at times? And I mean that in the strongest sense of the word!!

Yesterday I heard from my friend Nikki, with the shocking news that her beloved hubby David had just passed away. I absolutely cannot believe it!!

I usually ring Nikki every Monday, just a habit we got into, and we chat hither and dither about anything and nothing, and generally have a yarn to put the world to rights.. but because it was a Bank Holiday, family at home, we missed our call this week. So yesterday, I had an appointment in the morning, walked the dogs in the afternoon, and picked up the phone to ring for our natter and there was a message which had been left.

Well, you could have knocked me down with a feather when I listened to it. It came as a complete shock and the first thing I could do was to ring her. I feel like I need to be there with her, but Scotland is such a long way away, and I know she has family and friends around her, so that makes it a bit better. But still.. I have met David and he was a gentle, wonderful person.

I know David was Nikki's love of her life, and the reason she got up in the morning,he was also their son's best friend.. so I can only imagine what she is feeling right now. She has 1001 things running through her head at the moment and all I want to do is throw my arms around her and tell her it's all going to be okay.. but I can't, and that's hurting!

So, Nikki, if you're reading this, remember we all love you and we're thinking of you and Kris at this very very sad time, and if you need anything at all, just ring me.

I don't quite know what else to say really, I just hope she finds a way to try and move forward eventually.


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