Thursday 12 July 2012

Docrafts essentials...

Every two months, Docrafts bring out a fantastic array of new products to demonstrate with in the stores. As a designer I get my kit and set on making samples.. and here are a few that I have taken to my first demo of this two month loop.

Sorry for the photos, they were taken on my mobile. But I hope it gives you some sort of idea what you can do with the new products.

This was created using the beautiful new card blanks that are available. These have a pearlescent finish to them and are overlaid with the Christmas wording.. just beautiful.

I used the new Christmas range of products and combined it with the Strictly Party papers. The border was made using the multishaper punch.

I love the simplicity of this card. I have a thing about embossed designs, and of course, I love the white on white look. Occasionally I will ink over the design, but not too often.

I embossed the card, and I also embossed the image so I had a little border to cut around so I knew that the image fitted perfectly into the frame.

Last but not least - a simple, stylish little card. This was made using several offcuts - the paper, the card mount, etc... so I just teamed it up with the new fab Dimensions stickers and this little card was done and dusted. Quick and Easy Peasy!

I hope you like the new products just as much as I do.. I will share more when I get chance to get a photo of them.. I've been busy this week preparing for a demo over at CraftWorld in the Lowry Centre, Manchester on Saturday, but also had a show on Monday at Create and Craft, and have more this coming week.

Please leave me a comment so I can nip over to say hello to you on your bloglet.. I love blog hopping!


  1. They are beautiful Jo but I have to say the middle one is my fav, I so need that embossing folder :) xxx

  2. Hi Jo, Lovely cards! I love the second one.... I have this embossing folder but I can't seem to cut out the aperture neatly - think I need practice! Thanks for sharing xxx

  3. My favourite is the last one, but they are all beautiful :-) Elaine-xxx-

  4. Hi Jo, lovely cards :) really liking the dimensions stickers. Hope you're well x

  5. Hellooooo darlin, lovely lovely cards you make!!!! I couldn't possibly pic just one as my favourite! But...I'd love to know how you give the picture a postage stamp edge to it? Have fun blog hopping and doing your demos in Manchester! Safe travels!!!
    xxx oodles of hugz, Lesley

  6. Gorgeous cards Jo, love the baubles and papers in the last one x

  7. beautiful cards Jo xx

  8. Love your cards, Jo, especially the middle one. I love that embossing.

  9. Stunning cards Jo as always ;o) Would love to see you over on my blogs ;o) xxx

  10. Gorgeous sample cards Jo, love the colours, fab creations! Big hugs Jo xxx

  11. Great sample cards Jo they are all gorgeous xxxxxx

  12. These are stunning Jo xxx

  13. still cant get my head round xmas in july ahh well merry christmas all beaut cards jo jo

  14. Wow Jo you have been busy, they are all fabulous, could not pick a favouite.


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