Today's selection is from the Go Green selection that was on the Born to Shop shows. I really like the colours in this collection, very funky.. and the designs are perfect for me, as I really like to garden - in fact, my greenhouse is blooming as we speak!! Cabbages are coming on a treat and the lettuces and cucumbers are sprouting! All very exciting!!
So this first card was from the decoupage pack, and I really like the sayings... although I do wish the weeds would weed themselves as this is my least favourite part of gardening I must say.
Just look at the detail in the designs... this is what makes these images so special.. a great addition to my cup collection!
This was the stepper card that I made on the first show on Wednesday. These card shapes are great and I opted to use this one just as it was meant to, instead of chopping and folding like I normally would.
I even made a little decorative hanger.. and I think this will hang in my craft room when it's been redecorated.
And packaging?? Don't forget to use every little element you can off it.. the wording on this card came from the back of the pack, and I just chopped it and plonked it across the bottom of the card.
I've layered it up using foam pads on some of the words, just to add dimension.
I hope you are enjoying your Saturday. Today, I'm working up at the Range in Doncaster, and I'm sure we're going to have a fab day!
Happy Crafting everyone!!
Hey, Jo hope you did not my mind my teasing you on your Word Verif post - I still followed you back then so you know it was just leg pulling. As for your card it is lovely I am a tea addict and loved to garden when I was still able to do so which makes this just my cup of tea. (sorry it had to be done) Vee xx